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Livingston Teen Delivers the Goods at Eagle Couriers

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Livingston Teen Delivers the Goods at Eagle Couriers

A teenager who left school with just a few qualifications having felt completely disconnected from the education system is now thriving at Scotland’s largest independent courier

Alana Jamieson, 18 from Livingston, joined Eagle Couriers in April 2014 after struggling through school with dyscalculia – a condition similar to dyslexia but which affects the ability to understand numbers and arithmetic.

The former pupil of Inveralmond Community High School in Livingston is now well and truly overcoming the condition in her role as operations assistant at Eagle Couriers and is being heralded by the company’s directors as the perfect example to the merits of apprenticeships and practical training.

From Eagle Couriers new purpose built Bathgate headquarters, Alana has earned important workplace qualifications, while gaining valuable experience helping the firm’s largest clients in both the public and private sector.

Alana said: “As thankful as I am to Eagle Couriers for how much my life has changed in the past few years, I think it is my parents who are the most grateful, as they have witnessed first-hand a transformation from a discontented youth to a young professional.

Alana Eagle Couriers in Scotland

Alana, 18 is an Operations Assistant at Eagle Couriers

“I’m not entirely sure where I’d be without Eagle. It has made me much more independent – I now have a car and I’m looking to move from home, but perhaps the biggest thing it has done is give me ambitions to use all that I am learning so I can push on in my career and one day even own my own business.

In July 2015, Alana completed her SVQ2 in Business Administration and is now working on completing SVQ3, reflecting her growing experience and competencies.

Co-Director at Eagle Couriers, Jerry Stewart, said: “When Alana came to us early 2014 looking for a job it was clear she was lacking confidence.

“But we could see a star in the making – she has a very personable manner and is a great communicator, something that is vital in our line of work.

“She has also responded particularly well to her training and it is clear that she is destined for greatness – and we all hope that will be with Eagle Couriers!”

Jerry added: “Traditional education and schooling truly isn’t for everyone. Both Fiona Deas, my fellow Co-Director and I are real believers in on the job training – there is simply no substitute for the practical skills that you acquire while earning your way in life.”

Eagle Couriers has a 3500-strong client base including the BBC and the NHS, public sector organisations and sole traders. As business-to-business experts, Eagle Couriers help other firms operate more efficiently and profitably by safely delivering on time everything from documents, medical samples and engine parts to sports footage, scripts and TV props.

Further information on Eagle Couriers can be found at or by calling 0845 123 1230.



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